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To all researchers in undergraduate and postgraduate degrees, NORDSCI offers the possibility to publish their papers for FREE for inclusion in the conference proceedings and in the electronic databases that NORDSCI works with.


The support program is initiated with the 2020 conference edition. Aiming to support and accelerate the scientific career of undergraduate students, which usually have difficulties in funding the publication of their own research. 

If you want to share the program with your students or colleagues, download the info-poster



1. Professional guidance and feedback from the scientific committee of NORDSCI prior accepting.

2. The research will be included in the printed and electronic copy of the conference proceedings with ISSN and ISBN numbers. The participant will receive an electronic copy of the full proceedings. Participant's research will receive a unique DOI number.  

3. The research will be submitted for evaluation and inclusion in the scientific databases, NORDSCI is currently working with and in NORDSCI Online Library. 

4. Participant's posters will be virtually presented and included in the conference program.

5.  You will be welcomed in the NORDSCI growing scientific society with benefits in further collaboration. 


1. Only full papers prepared according to the NORDSCI Publishing requirements are accepted for review.

2. Submission for the program should include the full paper and a short cover letter of the candidate. Submission are accepted on NORDSCI's email.

3. Candidates should provide a valid student card and a verification letter from the university, after acceptance. 
4. The papers will be presented only as poster presentations, without conference participation at the venue.
5. Papers will be accepted for review by regular registration deadline.




We recommend to the new early career researchers, Ph.D. and master students to join the Elsevier Research Academy.


Elsevier has relaunched its free e-learning platform, formerly Publishing Campus, as Researcher Academy in January 2018. The Researcher Academy will give you access to countless resources and e-learning modules, that will navigate you through the different stages of your article preparation, how to conduct evident-based research and how to demonstrate the impact of the research and your scientific knowledge.


NORDSCI invites you to join the Research Academy of Elsevier and started exploring webinar and video recordings, interactive e-learning modules, and numerous downloadable guides, videos, and research tools.

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