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The section covers scientific topics in the full spectrum of education, including history, sociology and economy of education, educational policy, strategy and technologies. The category covers also pedagogy and special education.

Teaching for Social Change and Awareness

Early Childhood Education

Experimental Education

Equity in Education

Education for Sustainability

Environmental Awareness Teaching and Learning

Education and Teaching in the Information Age

Psychology, Teaching and Learning

Personalized Learning

Gender and Education

Teacher Education​

Healthy Learning/Teaching Culture

New Pedagogic Paradigms

New Tools for Teaching

Multilingual Education

Learning for Employment

Mobility in Education and Teaching

Educational Policies and Strategies

Platforms for Teaching

Special Education

Cooperative Learning and Teaching

Learning and Competitivity

Learning, Teaching and Videogames

Technologic Educative Ecosystems 

& others


The section covers scientific topics related to theoretical, literary and historical linguistics, as well as stylistics and philology.

Foreign Language Teacher Education


Sociolinguistic Theories and Research

Socio-Cultural Considerations

Corpus Linguistics 

Syntax And Interfaces With Morphology and Semantics

Lexical Processing

Phonological Processing

Cross-Linguistic Influences

Discourse Analysis

Translation And Interpreting

Educational Language Policies 

& others


The section covers papers relating to business, including management and organizational studies, business law and business ethics.

Business History and Ethics

Marketing and Advertising 

Forecasting and Strategy


Business Administration​

Organizational Behavior 

Consumer Research 

Management Science 

Human Resource and Leadership

Total Quality Management 

& others


The section covers papers relating to finance, public finance, investment, taxation, banking and globalization.

Trade Liberalisation and Economic Growth

Sustainability Economic Development and Climate Change

Globalization and Labour Market

Banking and Finance

Business and Economics

Corporate Finance and Governance

Economic Policy


Finance and Investment

Financial Economics 

& others


The section covers papers relate to the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and service, macroeconomics, microeconomics, political economy and all specters of tourism.


Public Finance and Economics

Economic Growth

Sociology of Economics, Emerging Markets

Agricultural Economics


Managerial EconomicsInternational Economics

Prices and Economic Policy

Trade, Exchange and Interdependence Economic System

Economics Of Developing Countries

Tourism as an Economic Factor in a Country

Tourism and its Impact Economic Importance of Tourism

Tourism Management 

& others


The section covers papers related to both general and specialized areas of national and international law, including comparative law, criminology, business law, banking, corporate and tax law, constitutional law, civil rights and others.

Copyright and intellectual property Law

Environmental Law

Family Law

Medicine Law

Psychology and the Law

Constitutional Law

Business Law


Alternative Dispute Resolution

Cybersecurity and data protection

Human rights and equality

Comparative Law

Corporate, tax and business Law

History of Law

Law of the Sea

& others


The section covers papers related to political studies, military studies, the electoral and legislative processes, political theory, history of political science and others.

Comparative studies of Political Systems

Interaction of politics and other areas of science and social science

Political history, theory and practice

Modern political ideologies

Political sociology and ethics

Public administration and policy

Electoral and legislative processes and communication

International politics

Political order and conflict resolution

& others


The section covers papers related to the study of human society, social structures, and social change, healthcare systems and healthcare services.

Community Studies

Socio-Ethnic Problems

Rural Sociology


Racism, Nationalism and Xenophobia

Social Deviance

Gender Studies

The Sociology of Religion

Comparative Sociology

Human Behavior

Transforming Healthcare Services with Technology

Healthcare Management

Public Health System

Effective Strategies for Prevention

Assuring Access to Medical Care in Resource-Constrained Cities

Health Risk Reduction

Health, Well-Being and Urban Justice

Global Health Justice

& others


The section covers papers related to philosophy history, methods, foundation, society studies, interpretation of philosophy and etc.

Future society and technology in reference to the meaning of home

Religious belief and the feeling f home/homeless

Ethical theory

Moral, social, political, and legal Philosophy

Foundations, methods, and implications of the sciences from a philosophical perspective

The interpretation of scientific theories such as quantum theory and evolution theory

Philosophy of the past, philosophers

Philosophy history and methods

Gender studies

& others

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