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NORDSCI Conference proceedings 2019, Book 1

Education and educational research


Assoc. Prof. Irina Peterson


This article analyzes the experience of teaching a foreign language in the field of "Advertising and Public Relations." Taking into account the specifics of the process of training specialists in advertising and public relations, to form a communicative competence that allows graduates to act in the field of public, professional communication effectively is crucial. At the same time, we are talking about the development of communicative competence as a complex concept, which is the first condition for professionally oriented communication. The study of a professional foreign language forms the competence of future specialists in advertising and public relations necessary for the implementation of professional activities. An additional resource for improving the communicative competence of future specialists is revealed - the correlation of a foreign language with the disciplines of specialization. This contributes to the development of students' cognitive activity, creativity, teamwork, and analytical skills. The course is based on the CLIL methodology. When designing the course, the teacher should take into account such factors as the age of students, their social and linguistic environment, and the degree of familiarity with the study of subjects in a foreign language. Conducting classes in the CLIL format implies increased requirements for a Business English teacher, who will have to be ready to involve colleagues from other subject departments in the preparation and conduct of classes. Nowadays, learning practices change, new resources appear. Mobile learning (mLearning) can be an answer to the challenge of the modern world. In mLearning, the focus is on a variety of problems, from how students access content to how the idea of content is defined. When developing the course of Business English, one of the essential pedagogical tasks was the formation of students ' ability to further independent study of a foreign language/languages and business culture, including the use of modern information technologies. We hope that this study will be useful both for researchers and practitioners designing an academic course, "Business English" for students studying advertising and public relations.


business English, CLIL classes, mobile earning, communicative competence.


NORDSCI Conference Proceedings 2019, Book 1, Conference Proceedings, ISSN 2603-4107, ISBN 978-619-7495-05-8, THE FORMATION OF STUDENT KEY COMPETENCES BASED ON BUSINESS ENGLISH, 75-82 pp, DOI paper 10.32008/nordsci2019/b1/v2/11

NORDSCI Conference

ISSN: 2603-4107
DOI prefix: 10.32008

21-22 October 2024
University of National and World Economy
Sofia, Bulgaria

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