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NORDSCI Conference proceedings 2022, Book 1

Sociology and Healthcare


Dr. Karolina Szymaniec-Mlicka


The intensive development of new technologies has brought about changes in the functioning of many organisations, the so-called Industry 4.0 includes, in general terms, changes concerning a significant increase in the automation and robotisation of production processes and the expansion of the use of internet information and computer data management systems in organisations. These changes also apply to the field of healthcare, where telemedicine, artificial intelligence, Big Data analytics, among others, are increasingly used and a megatrend called Healthcare 4.0 or Health 4.0 has emerged. The concept of Healthcare 4.0 is the result of research into the applicability of the concept. The use of Industry 4.0 in the healthcare field is a relatively new research direction. In order to realise the full potential of Healthcare 4.0, comprehensive governance models are needed that also allow for the early teasing out of flaws, limitations and their elimination. The ongoing research fits in with this demand. One of the barriers to wider implementation of the Healthcare 4.0 concept in the area of healthcare entity management may be insufficient acceptance of new technologies by their directors. The articel presented here addresses precisely the problem of acceptance of modern technologies by hospital directors and their use in the process of strategic decision-making. A literature review was used as a research method.


public management, health 4.0, health sector, decision making process


NORDSCI Conference proceedings 2022, Book 1,Volume 5, ISSN 2603-4107, ISBN 978-619-7495-27-0, DOI paper 10.32008/NORDSCI2022/B1/V5/19, Pages 201 - 210 pp

NORDSCI Conference

ISSN: 2603-4107
DOI prefix: 10.32008

21-22 October 2024
University of National and World Economy
Sofia, Bulgaria

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