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NORDSCI Conference proceedings 2018, Book 1

Language and Linguistics


Doctor Okorkova V.B., Assoc. Prof. Permyakova T. .N., Assoc. Prof. Saburova N.V.


Yakut writer Nikolay Luginov began his writing career in 1970-1980s. He is primarily known for his novels. These novels display an individual creative path from writer-beginner to writer-philosopher. N. Luginov focused on the genre of novel at the start of his writing career, having written twelve novels altogether. This period in his work is characterized as the period of Luginov’s formation and progression as an author; the time when his key esthetic principles were formed, and main problems and images found. In general, this is the period when his artistic conception of humanity and reality were finalized. Social and psychological novels with their philosophical overtones in presenting the problems and depicting the characters set the tone for later introduction of philosophical works focusing on eternal problems facing humankind.
The article focuses on identification and analysis of time-and-space relations as presented in psychological and philosophical novels written by N. Luginov. The authors show how N.Luginov builds time which is primarily complex in nature: plots of the novels reflect discontinuity and recurrence of time, as shown through lives of several characters depicted in the novels, as well as in parallel lines and retrospections of the plotlines often marked by time inversions. In his social and psychological novels N. Luginov depicts historical time periods. He primarily focuses on the second half of the XXth century: post-war and modern time. Socially and culturally during this period the nation was going through what is known as eras of the “thaw” and “stagnation” which caused many writers to start the discussion of the most relevant questions and problems of the time.
The Great Patriotic War is viewed by N.Luginov as the main reference scale against which he measures spiritual and moral values of modern society. Time in his philosophical novels is mostly presented as abstract and cyclic due to the author focusing on eternal and universal values. Home is introduces as the key theme in social and psychological novels by N. Luginov while Nature serves is one in his philosophical works. Both present the vital human environment that people must protect and preserve for future generations. N. Luginov depicts nature in his social and philosophical novels as a living spiritual force.
Authors analyze the ways in which N. Luginov introduces nature as a vivid participant of the events, capable of showing sympathy for the characters. It is noted in the article that nature in these novels acts as an active space rather than simply a background. It acts as a fantastic, metaphorical world living its life, thinking, reflecting, suffering and rejoicing.


chronotope, space, time, reality, chronology, time projections, symbol, image


NORDSCI Conference Proceedings 2018 Book 1, Conference Proceedings, ISSN 2603-4107, ISBN 978-619-7495-00-3, POETICS OF CHRONOTOPE IN NOVELS BY NIKOLAY LUGINOV, 301-308 pp, DOI paper 10.32008/nordsci2018/B1/V1/34

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