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NORDSCI Conference proceedings 2018, Book 2

Business and Management


Mgr. Martina Schneiderová, Ph.D., PhDr. Marek Schneider, Ph.D.


The world´s trends of development show the growing importance of the value of effective management and decision-making. Managerial competencies need to be increased especially in situations that are referred to as crisis situations. Primarily, it is a situation endangering the lives of people, causing extensive material damage and, eventually, disposal of affected organizations. In such situations, it is necessary to replace routine management strategies with managerial command.
The competency model serves as a basis for the creation of an individual assessments of personal and professional prerequisites method. The managerial command requires the ability of key and specific competencies, which are activated and used to a greater extent, especially in crisis situations. Some managerial competencies which are needed in common practice are not desirable in this case.
The identification of priority psychological, professional, physical and social factors in the decision-making situations of the unexpected crisis was solved by qualitative and quantitative analyzes of the Panel of Experts outputs. Based on the analysis of the expert panel outputs, six core competencies were selected: Communication and Interaction, Information Processing, Authority (Personality), Stress, Self-Management and Management. Specific expertise and their required level were determined by experts and include the necessary knowledge of fire protection, occupational safety, traumatology and basic knowledge of human rescue, emergency rights (evacuation, etc.) and crisis management.
Core competencies are divided, depending on their capability, the possibilities for further development. Hard competencies relate to personal assumptions with limited scope for development. Soft competencies relate to general and specific skills and can be developed.
Each competence is defined by sub-competencies that are crucial for the successful operation of the manager-commander in a situation of an extraordinary crisis event. In these parameters, above-average skills and abilities are required. Within each competence, risk factors that are objectionable for the manager-commander are further defined. These variables must be kept under control or suppressed. The criteria for the assessment of sub-competencies were also set in the framework of the competence model.


Competence, Competency Model, Soft Competencies, Hard Competencies, Managerial Command


NORDSCI Conference Proceedings 2018, Conference Proceedings, ISSN 2603-4107, ISBN 978-619-7495-01-0, COMPETENCY MODEL OF THE MANAGER IN THE SITUATION OF EXTRAORDINARY CRISIS EVENT, 21-29 pp, DOI paper 10.32008/nordsci2018/B2/V1/14

NORDSCI Conference

ISSN: 2603-4107
DOI prefix: 10.32008

21-22 October 2024
University of National and World Economy
Sofia, Bulgaria

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