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NORDSCI Conference proceedings 2018, Book 1

Education and educational research

NORDSCI Conference proceedings 2018, Book 1

Language and Linguistics

NORDSCI Conference proceedings 2018, Book 1

Sociology and Healthcare

NORDSCI Conference proceedings 2018, Book 1


NORDSCI Conference proceedings 2018, Book 1

Sociology and Healthcare

NORDSCI Conference proceedings 2018, Book 1

Education and educational research

NORDSCI Conference proceedings 2018, Book 1


NORDSCI Conference proceedings 2018, Book 1

Education and educational research

NORDSCI Conference proceedings 2018, Book 1

Language and Linguistics

NORDSCI Conference proceedings 2018, Book 1

Sociology and Healthcare

NORDSCI Conference

ISSN: 2603-4107
DOI prefix: 10.32008

21-22 October 2024
University of National and World Economy
Sofia, Bulgaria

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